Mindfulness Beyond Borders

Mindfulness Introductory Tasters Sessions online

Next online Taster is Tuesday 12th September 6.30-7.45pm Book Now to receive your Zoom link.

It’s very helpful to get some experience of what mindfulness is and what it can offer you before committing to the 8-week course.

Taster Sessions literally give you a ‘taste’, a direct experience of mindfulness meditation and practice. You don’t need any prior learning, training or experience to learn mindfulness, just the readiness to explore this new way of being in your life and relating to your self.

It’s very helpful to actually participate in some short mindfulness meditation “practices” to sense this direct, experiential learning.

Even in a short Taster session you can experience connection with yourself, of gathering our attention which is so often dispersed and distracted. Experience some stillness, some quiet and letting go of busyness for a while.

You can also find out what the course entails, of the content, and what your commitment would be. You can ask all your questions and express any worries or concerns about participating in mindfulness training. This allows you to make an informed decision: “is mindfulness and this course right for me – and at this time?”

Please email me to book your place and ask any questions you have now.